Karen wrote a series of eNewlsetters for TurnAround Couriers, a social enterprise that works with the shelter system and educational partners to employ youth at risk and help them secure housing, develop work experience, and go back to school. The newsletter went to clients, partners, and supporters. This issue marked the social enterprise's 5th anniversary. Click the image to the left to download a PDF version of the newsletter.
Five Years Fly By: TurnAround Couriers eNewsletter
Karen wrote Family Service Association of Toronto newsletters, website content, and annual reports. In this issue of the newsletter, titled Family Magazine, Karen wrote about the Growing Up Healthy Downtown (GUHD) program and the Families in Transition program, which helped families going through divorce focus on the wellbeing of the children. Click on the image at the left to download a PDF excerpt from the newsletter.
Family Magazine: A Family Service Association of Toronto Newsletter
Karen wrote a variety of marketing and communications materials to support the launch of the Girls Fund at the Canadian Women’s Foundation. This cover article from the foundation’s newsletter, Initiatives, is one example. Click the image to the left to open a PDF of the article.
Canadian Women's Foundation Newsletter